Persevere in doing good because there’s a promised harvest if you do not give up.
Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada. Whenever we drive up north to visit Ken’s relatives, I get so tired. Because the highway stretches on and on in the same direction for miles. It’s hard to keep your mind awake, your eyes on the road that seems never ending. And you know what? It’s how it is when it comes to obedience that feels long, too. A marriage that is forever struggling, a church that produces little results, housekeeping routines that never seem to vary. Caring for an elderly parent or a child with a disability can be a day-in-day-out obedience in the same direction. But Galatians 6 says, “Don’t be weary in well doing, for at the proper time you will reap a harvest if you do not give up.” Oh friend, if you are tired of obeying God in the same old thing, please, do not allow your weariness to detour you. Persevere in doing good. Because there’s a promised harvest if you do not give up.
© Joni and Friends