A Moment with Joni Eareckson Tada

An Effect on God’s Design

Episode Summary

When we pray and intercede, it has an effect on God’s design.

Episode Transcription

Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada. And many people ask, “If God is sovereign—and he is—why should we pray?” Sometimes people will say the only reason for prayer is that we need to be changed. Well, yeah, that’s true, but that’s not the only reason. Jesus did not need to be changed or to be made more holy, and yet he prayed. You see, main thing about his prayers is that Jesus was communing with his Father. He thanked God; he praised him. He asked for things. He requested power. He asked that the devil be bridled. He asked his Father to prevent what was about to take place. He interceded on the behalf of others. Jesus prayed as though his petitions had a definite effect on the Father’s design. And we should pray the same way. We should be asking, requesting, petitioning, interceding, praising, blessing, and praying as though what we say has an effect on God's design. For you know what? It does! 


© Joni and Friends