A Moment with Joni Eareckson Tada

A Prayer for California

Episode Summary

Joni has a special prayer request regarding the tragedy of the Southern California fires.

Episode Transcription

Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada and special greetings to my friends here at this station. And to all you listeners. I live in Los Angeles with my husband Ken. And we have felt the brunt of the recent Los Angeles fires. We’ve had to be evacuated but now we’re home. But we’re asking for your prayers. Would you please pour out consolation and comfort on the thousands of people who’ve lost everything. And ask the Holy Spirit to mercifully draw families to Jesus Christ. And pray for us at Joni and Friends as we seek out people with disabilities that we are helping. Thank you for turning this natural disaster into a triumph of God’s grace. Pray for the churches, pray for Christians. And may the Gospel go forth through this tragedy. Oh, and thank God for the wonderful first responders. Firefighters who’ve given everything to fight these blazes. 


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