A Moment with Joni Eareckson Tada

Fresh Courage

Episode Summary

Do you know someone who’s feeling discouraged? Listen to the Spirit’s prompting—share a word of fresh encouragement because it’s never out of order to do so.

Episode Transcription

Hi, I'm Joni Eareckson Tada. And I remember one day feeling the weight of discouragement. Well, God must have known I needed a lift, because I opened a little letter from a young man named, Nathan who wrote, “Joni, when God says anything, he is promising. And when he promises anything, it’s as good as swearing. And Joni what has God sworn concerning you? He says in Deuteronomy 33, ‘As your days, so shall your strength be.’ So, are you feeling weak today? Just remember Joni that every hint of sadness or weariness only qualifies you all the more to lean on Christ with the full weight of your soul.” Wow. I’d never met this guy Nathan, but he followed a simple prompting of the Holy Spirit—and was I able to breathe in fresh courage! Do you know someone who’s feeling discouraged? Listen to the Spirit’s prompting—share a word of encouragement because it’s never out of order to do so.


© Joni and Friends