A Moment with Joni Eareckson Tada


Episode Summary

Share the good news with those who are lost and broken. As Joni says, go make some hay!

Episode Transcription

Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada.Ever feel overwhelmed with trying to get a big job done? You’d think Jesus would’ve felt overwhelmed – he was about to change the world with just 12 men. In fact, he said to his disciples in Matthew 9, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.” And then he says to them, “Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his field.” Jesus knew that the haymaking of souls would require many more hands, and feet and voices than those 12 disciples. So, his solution wasn’t to fret over his circumstances. Instead, Jesus told them to “pray for workers” — to beseech, and beg, and implore, and ask God to raise up workers! And guess what? They got an answer, and it’s you; you are the haymaker for which Christ and his disciples prayed. So, go out and make some hay today. Share the good news with those who are lost and who are broken.


© Joni and Friends