A Moment with Joni Eareckson Tada

Legacy Lives On

Episode Summary

Whether you’re sharing the Gospel with a friend or neighbor, you are considered a prophet!

Episode Transcription

Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada. And while reading in Revelation, I was intrigued by chapter 19 where it says, “Worship God! For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” Well, there aren’t many Old Testament prophets around these days. No bearded Jeremiahs wagging their finger at wicked men. No Elijahs rising to heaven in chariots of fire. But their legacy lives on. For we, too, can prophesy. According to Revelation 19, we have a prophetic spirit when we testify about Jesus. Even the average homemaker with three children and 33 chores can prophesy, because whoever shares Jesus with a neighbor, or a friend is a prophet. Friend, these are the last days. And whether you give the Gospel to elderly folks in a nursing home, or witness alongside Franklin Graham or Greg Laurie at a big crusade, the Spirit of God is working as you testify of Jesus. And that is your prophetic work for the day!


© Joni and Friends