A Moment with Joni Eareckson Tada

Reach Out

Episode Summary

Remember there’s no need to be troubled by peoples’ differences because Jesus gave his life for them, too.

Episode Transcription

Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada. And I remember years ago, visiting my Christian friends, Hannah and Amos and their many children in their Amish home. Amos and Hannah welcomed us into their cozy kitchen for a delicious Pennsylvania Dutch dinner. Then, we all launched into a rich and rigid harmony on a couple of old German hymns. I tell you; it was a glorious night of fellowship! And as we left the farm that night, I realized that differences between us didn’t matter, because we had so much in common with our Amish friends. How people dress, the way they talk, or the fact that they drive a horse and buggy instead of a car, things like that aren’t important. Titus 2 says Jesus gave himself for us, so that we would be his people. So, make an effort to befriend those who are different, perhaps a neighbor, a friend whose culture is poles apart from yours. Don’t be troubled by the differences, reach out because Jesus gave his life for them, too.


© Joni and Friends