It’s never too late to catch on fire for Jesus!
Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada, and in the early days of our marriage, Ken and I used to go tent camping. Oh, I would love a cozy campfire in the morning. Shortly after breakfast, Ken would let the fire die down. And then, at suppertime, he would rekindle it again. But instead of starting from scratch, Ken would poke the coals and search for a spark of life. Sure enough, way down in the ashes there was usually a glowing coal left over from the morning campfire. He nurtured it with dry grass and leaves until it was a roaring fire once again. And it’s the same with the Spirit of Christ in our lives. Second Timothy 1 says, “… fan into flame the gift of God [within you].” Friend, that’s something you have to constantly do, or the fire will go out. And if the spark of faith is small in your life; if there is the slightest flicker, the faintest hint of wanting to obey the Lord, take heart! It's not too late to catch on fire for Jesus.
© Joni and Friends