When you are in prayer, build in lots of time to listen.
Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada. And remember when you were a new believer how intimidating it felt to talk to God? You would think, am I saying things, right? Am I getting my words correct? Little wonder that Moses, when approaching God, was a nervous wreck. Exodus 4 says he stammered. He stuttered. He was unable to put two sentences together without stumbling. Now part of the problem was, Moses was hung up on talking to God, rather than talking with him. And we do the same thing. We forget that prayer is cultivating a relationship with the Lord of the universe. When you talk with someone, you share your dreams, and your problems, and requests and then you listen. You listen to what your friend has to say. And the same should be true when we talk with God. So, remember when you are in prayer, build in lots of time to listen. After all, this is your friend, Jesus and he has many wonderful things to say to you.
© Joni and Friends