A Moment with Joni Eareckson Tada

Thank You in Any Language

Episode Summary

Be quick to say, “thank you” in any language – especially when it’s to God!

Episode Transcription

Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada, and recently I read an essay on words and where they come from. There was a whole section on the words “thank you.” For instance, when you say, “thank you” in Spanish, it’s “muchas gracias,” or “much grace.” In French, you may say thank you with “merci.” That means mercy. So, when you thank someone, you are actually saying, friend, you’re really showing me mercy. I was struck by how grace and mercy [both of which have their origin in God] are the essence of gratitude. So, when you say, “thank you” to God, you are basically saying “Lord, I’m at your mercy and I am humbled by your grace and favor.” I love that – so today, I want to say “muchas gracias” and “merci” to the people who volunteer with Joni and Friends, whether collecting wheelchairs or helping at a Family Retreat. Volunteer with joniradio.org, would you? Cause we’ll be quick to say thank you in any language!


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