A Moment with Joni Eareckson Tada

The Conquistador

Episode Summary

When you follow Jesus, there’s no turning back – you get to now enter into a whole new world.

Episode Transcription

Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada. My husband Ken taught high school history for decades, and the other day he was telling me about the Conquistadors. In 1519, Cortes and a small army left the Spanish held island of Cuba and set out on one of the greatest conquests in the history of the world. To convey the seriousness of the mission, when Cortes landed at Veracruz, he ordered his men to burn all the boats – burn every single one of them, behind him. He wanted his sailors to understand that there would be no turning around, no heading back for the Old World. Now, they were in the New World. No matter what your opinion is about the conquistadors, the lesson is obvious: Oh, that we Christians would be as committed about leaving behind our old world. When Jesus asks us to follow him, it means putting our hand to the plow and not looking back. So, may I ask you, what boats do you need to burn today?


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