A Moment with Joni Eareckson Tada

The Stones Cry Out

Episode Summary

Pray for your government and leadership today that they will praise the Lord with their votes and actions.

Episode Transcription

Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada. I grew up in Maryland and I remember as a kid taking school trips to our nation's capital. I'd see all that white marble, and think, wow, God must live here. I was soon to discover that Washington DC is not where God lives, which is all the more reason we need to pray for our nation’s capital. After all, Luke 19 says if we keep quiet, “the stones will cry out” and, guess what? In Washington DC, they really do! You may not know this, but at the top of the tallest landmark, the Washington Monument, inscribed are these words carved in stone: Laus Deo. It’s Latin and it literally means “Praise God.” Isn’t that something? Carved on the top of the highest structure on the Washington Mall is the proclamation, “Praise God.” Wow! So, today, pray for our government and leadership that they, too, would praise the Lord with their votes and actions.


© Joni and Friends