Hear Joni share a story about siblings that will be sure to touch your heart. Look at your sister or brother through different eyes – through the eyes of Jesus.
Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada. And when it comes to siblings, there’s almost always some rivalry—even in the Bible. Just look at Joseph and his siblings, or Jacob and brother Esau. But when you’re talking about the sister or brother of a kid with special needs, well, then it gets doubly difficult. For instance, Maggie’s little sister Caitlin is paralyzed, and for years, Maggie felt her parents always preferred Caitlin. After all, she was always getting special attention [adaptive bicycles, special swimming classes]. It wasn’t until they came to Family Retreat that Maggie’s heart changed—all because she met other siblings working through the same issues. Maggie learned to look at her little sister with different eyes: the eyes of Jesus. Would you like to help children like Maggie and Caitlin? Then there’s a place for you, volunteering at our Family Retreats. Find out more at joniandfriends.org.
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