Be inspired and listen to this sweet story about a couple of high schoolers who are making a difference in their community.
Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada. Recently I heard a story about two high-school kids named Lucas and Olivia that warmed my heart. Lucas, who has Down syndrome, and Olivia met as freshman in high school, and since then, they have been best of friends. Students say Lucas’ spunk and sense of humor makes everyone love him. It’s why when it came time to nominate last year’s Homecoming King and Queen, everyone voted for Lucas and Olivia. First Corinthians 10 says, “Let no one seek his own good, but that of his neighbor.” Well, I tell you these kids at Mt. Spokane High School are all about seeking the happiness of their friends. In a society where so many kids with disabilities are picked on and bullied, I hope this inspires you to thank God for schools and students who are making a difference and showcasing the love of Christ to people with disabilities. Good on you, Lucas and Olivia!
© Joni and Friends