A Moment with Joni Eareckson Tada

Ultimate Hold-Out Soldiers

Episode Summary

Joni’s prayer is that you carry out the great commission with as much dedication as an intelligence officer of an Imperial Japanese Army. Remember, until Christ’s return, don’t yield to the world.

Episode Transcription

Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada. His name was Hiroo Onoda, an intelligence officer in the Imperial Japanese Army, and when World War II began, he was assigned a secret mission on a remote Philippine Island. That was in 1944, the height of the war. But almost 30 years after the war ended, Hiroo Onoda was still on the island, carrying out his mission. He refused to believe Japan had lost, and so he remained faithful to his orders. Onoda became a legend in Japan and eventually returned as a war hero. Why so long in the jungle? Well, he lived according to his training, and his training said: Never surrender. Oh, that we would have such belief in our mission as Christians. Oh, that we would carry out the great commission with as much dedication. Remember, until Christ’s return, let’s not yield to the world – after all, we are the ultimate hold-out soldiers in God's great army.


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