A Moment with Joni Eareckson Tada

Worth It

Episode Summary

Beam proudly when you go through trials – your faith is getting a new degree!

Episode Transcription

Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada. The Puritans used to say that assurance of faith comes to believers who’ve endured through great trials or times of testing. When you come through a hard trial, your faith enlarges; it becomes stronger; your faith receives a new degree, a new release of energy. The eye of your soul is strengthened, and your spiritual understanding is quickened. I know it’s what I’ve gained from my life in a wheelchair. Yes, there have been discouraging times; and I often feel overwhelmed, but having persevered, I now have a fuller assurance of faith. And it came through trials and hardship. Friend, it’s why 1 Peter 1 tells us to rejoice – our faith is worth any amount of hardship. So, if you are facing a time of testing or trial, don’t allow discouragement to have sway. Persevere. For when you do, your assurance in the Lord Jesus Christ will be certain and will be sure.


© Joni and Friends