The way the Lord feels about you is how you feel about your child’s first steps or when you beam with pride at a friend’s accomplishments. He delights in you!
Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada. And have you ever taken delight in someone? Maybe you've delighted in your child’s first smile. Perhaps you've beamed with pride as a good friend graduates from college with honors. To take delight in someone means to be jubilant in his triumphs. To be captivated with his loveliness and to find great pleasure in any and all love given in return. And praise God, this is the way he feels about you! In Isaiah 42 the Lord says, “Here is my servant, whom I uphold, my chosen one in whom I delight.” And what is it that gives God the most joy? Your obedience. When you obey, you are showing, you are proving to Jesus that he is worth more to you than all the enticements of this world; he’s worth more than the satisfaction of grumbling or complaining. Today, Jesus says “if you love me, you will keep my commands.” So please, obey. It’ll delight your Savior.
© Joni and Friends